Pregnancy Facts and Myths: Dark Underarms and Groin, Is It Normal?

Olivia Barredo
November 23, 2022

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During pregnancy, it is not uncommon for a woman's complexion to become noticeably darker than it was before the pregnancy. The darkening of the skin, which is sometimes referred to as hyperpigmentation, may show up on the surface of the skin as patterns or patches.


The linea nigra, which is a dark line that goes across the belly, melasma, which are patches on the face, and the darkening of the areola are some common areas where you may notice these patches. Melasma is a condition that affects the skin of the face. Generally speaking, those with darker skin tones are going to have more obvious instances of these markings. Birthmarks, freckles, or scars may grow darker or even more obvious during pregnancy if you have this condition, which also has the potential to develop birthmarks.


Pregnancy Facts & Myths: Does Pregnancy Cause Darkening and Pigmentation?


There are cultures that believe a pregnant woman's skin tone might provide information about the baby's gender. However, this is not supported by any scientific data. The darkening of the skin, also known as hyperpigmentation, is the most common change in skin tone that is related to pregnancy. It affects more than 90 percent of pregnant women. The nipples, the genitalia, and the region between the belly button and the groin that appears as a brown vertical line and is known as the linea nigra, which translates literally to "dark line," are the areas that are most prone to having hyperpigmentation.



An increase in the production of certain hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, is suspected to be the cause of the darkening of the skin. While the hyperpigmentation does, in most cases, go away after birth, there is a possibility that certain areas may never return to the way they were before the pregnancy.


Hyperpigmentation in Pregnancy: What You Need to Know


It is not entirely known what causes the darkening or discoloration of the skin that might occur during pregnancy. It is often thought that this is caused by higher amounts of specific hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and melanocyte-stimulating hormones, which are all found in pregnant women. In addition to this, there is a stretching of the skin, which contributes to an acceleration of these changes.


A darkening of the skin, commonly known as melasma, is a common side effect of pregnancy that may be caused by a number of different reasons, including the following:


  • Disorders like hyperthyroidism have been there from the start (overactive thyroid)

  • Heredity (if melasma runs in the family)

  • Effects of the sun and other environmental factors


3 Home Remedies for Darkening Body Parts During Pregnancy 


After giving birth, changes in the skin often go away. However, you can use these home remedies to help lessen the darkening of your skin during pregnancy.



Use Hypoallergenic Skin Products


Choose cleansers, moisturizers, or face creams that will not cause your skin to burn or irritate and so will not make your melasma worse.


There is a possibility that you may not be able to completely stop the pigmentation of your skin. If the condition worsens, you should consider seeing a dermatologist. It is possible that the severity of these markings and the skin damage they cause might be lessened by using a high-quality moisturizer on these sensitive areas during pregnancy.


Use Sun Protection


One of the most important causes of pigmentation is being out in the sun for extended periods of time. When caring for your skin, always include the application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Wear a long-sleeved dress and a broad-brimmed hat while going outside.


Avoid Waxing and Shaving 


Waxing is probably safe to do during pregnancy, although it may irritate your skin and make your melasma worse. Therefore, avoid waxing areas where pigmentation is most likely to form.



It is not dangerous to your health to have hyperpigmentation on the inner thighs and underarms since it is a common condition. You may try to lighten the dark skin using any one of a large number of home remedies, over-the-counter medicines, or medical procedures. In addition, keeping the area clean, preventing chafing, and reducing the amount of time spent in the sun are all things that may help lessen the chances of getting dark inner thighs and underarms in the future.