Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer You Should know and How to Prevent It

April 29, 2022

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  • According to the 2021 breast cancer landscape in the Asia Pacific, breast cancer affects 2.1 million patients every year with 500, 000 patients dying from the disease. In the Philippines, it is the third leading cause of cancer deaths, with three out of a hundred women diagnosed in their lifetime. 

    While the term is a terror itself, what exactly is breast cancer and what causes it?

    Like all forms of cancer, breast cancer happens when there is an unusual cell growth. With breast cancer, it usually begins either in the glands that make milk or in the ducts that carry it to the nipple. 

    The precise causes of breast cancer are unclear, but there are key risk factors that can cause the disease. 

    1. Being a woman: While men can still get the disease, women are more likely to be affected. 
    2. Family history of breast cancer: Having genetical or family history of breast cancer is one of the major risks of being diagnosed. 
    3. Age: The risk goes up as the patient ages. 77% of those diagnosed are those aged 50 years old and above.  

    While there are a lot of risks developing breast cancer, it is preventable. 

    Here are the common symptoms and signs of breast cancer you should know:

    1. A lump in your breast or underarm that does not go away

    Often the first symptom of breast cancer, if there is a lump in your breast or underarm area that does not go away—it could be a sign for you to see your doctor to have yourself checked. 

    1. Pain, tenderness, or soreness caused by the lump

    Although lumps rarely cause pain, some might cause a prickly feeling when felt. 

    1. Breast and nipple changes 

    If you noticed your breast undergoing changes in size, contour, texture, and temperature, or there are changes with your nipple: if it pulls inward, is dimpled, itches, or it causes soreness. 

    1. Unusual Nipple discharge

    If your nipple area has an unusual discharge: it can be clear, body, or another color.

    1. Swelling in the armpit or near your collarbone area

    Swelling around the armpit or collarbone area could mean a lymph node has spread across the area. It could start swelling even before you could feel a lump, so it is important to let your doctor know when you’ve noticed the swelling. 

    1. Dimpling of the skin of the breast

    If there is a flat or indented area on your breast, it can show a tumor you can’t feel or see. It is best to seek medical advice immediately. 

    Apart from knowing its symptoms, it is important for women to know how to self-check for breast cancer and have themselves observe it now and then. Here is how to easily self-check for breast cancer symptoms:

    1. Stand undressed from the waist up in front of a mirror. Examine your breast with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Look for any changes in size, shape, position or any breast skin changes. Also, look for any puckering, dimpling, sores, and discoloration. 
    2. Check your nipples by looking at any sores, peeling or changing in their direction. Look also for any signs of unusual fluid coming out of your nipples. It can be watery, milky, or yellowish. 
    3. Next, raise your arms upward and look for the same changes in your breasts and nipples. 
    4. You can also examine your breasts while lying down. Using your left hand to feel your right breast and vice versa, examine your breast in a circular motion or move your fingers up and down vertically while looking for unusual lumps or any changes in your breasts. 
    5. Last, while standing up or sitting, feel and examine your breasts with the same hand movements described in step 4. You can do this while in the shower. 

     While it is essential for every woman to know the symptoms to look out for, it is also important for them to know how to prevent breast cancer through simple changes in your everyday life. Here are ways one can do in order to prevent breast cancer:

    1. Keeping weight healthy and in check

    Maintaining a healthy weight is an important goal for anyone and can lower the risk of any disease. Being overweight can increase the risk of having cancer, including breast cancer. 

    1. Staying physically active

    To maintainin a healthy weight, it involves regular exercise. Brisk walking for at least 30 minutes a day can help reduce the risk of any disease, including breast cancer. An active lifestyle also helps boost your stamina and immune system. 

    1. Keeping a Healthy Diet

    A healthy diet can help lower the risk of breast cancer. Incorporating fruits and vegetables in your daily diet can help to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent diseases. 

    1. Drink Alcohol Moderately 

    While it’s easy to binge, the key to a healthy lifestyle is keeping your vices in check; that means limiting your alcohol intake. Better yet, avoiding alcoholic drinks can help lower the risk of developing diseases. 

    1. Avoid smoking — better yet, quit!

    Smoking sets the body up for a variety of illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke and 15 cancers – including breast cancer. Avoiding smoking can also help you im,prove quality of—life. 

    1. Breastfeeding

    For new mothers, breastfeeding helps lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors recommend breastfeeding your newborn for one year or more. Apart from preventing diseases, it also has many significant benefits for your child: it helps strengthen your child’s immune system and helps them build a stronger bond with you.

    1. Avoid birth control pills after the age of 35 

    Birth control pills have risks, which includes the risk of developing breast cancer for those women ages 35 and above. To ensure your safety, it is best to consult with your OB-GYN. 

    1. Keep track of your family history

    Last, family history is one of the main unchangeable factors of breast cancer. It is important to know your genetic or family history, so you can check whether you are genetically predisposed to certain diseases. You can consult your family doctor to help you better understand your family’s health history. 


    Remember,  breast cancer awareness is important not just to support breast cancer patients but also to spot symptoms and its prevention. Early detection, lifestyle changes, and holistic support are important steps to take in the fight against breast cancer. 

    Get yourself checked today!

