Flu Season: How To Flu-Proof Your Kids

August 10, 2022

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  • What exactly is the flu? More commonly known locally as trangkaso, it is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, specifically the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms include headache, runny nose, fever, and muscle and joint pain.  

    For children, emergency signs and symptoms also include severe muscle pain, difficulty breathing, chest pain, dehydration, seizures, blue lips, and worsening of existing medical conditions.

    Meanwhile, other complications of flu can include bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, and sinus infections.


    Preventing the Flu at Home


    The best way to prevent your children from catching the flu is to get the flu shot. There are two types of flu vaccine. The first is the more common flu shot, and the second is the nasal spray vaccine. Both types work just as well, and you can also avail either treatment to children that are 6 months or older. However, doctors may not recommend the nasal spray for some children with underlying conditions. 


    Pregnant women can also get vaccinated at any trimester during their pregnancy. Getting vaccinated can also help protect the baby from the flu after birth. 



    Flu shots are available at hospitals, clinics, and barangay health centers. It is highly encouraged for children, the elderly, and immunocompromised to get this vaccine.  


    Apart from getting the flu shots, there are also alternative practices you can do to prevent your children from catching the flu. 


    • Build healthier habits. Eat nutritious food, drink your fluids, exercise regularly, and as much as possible, get at least eight hours of sleep.
    • Washing hands regularly. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. 
    • Practice good respiratory hygiene. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose. Dispose of tissue properly if used to cover the mouth. 
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Especially in high high-risk areas such as hospitals and crowds.


    When is Flu Season in the Philippines?


    Flu activity usually peaks in the cold seasons. Locally, flu season is from June which is the start of the rainy season, and can extend until January when the weather is usually at its coldest in the Philippines. Doctors advise getting flu shots before flu season kicks in to avoid catching the virus.


    This may sound cliché but prevention is better than cure, especially when a simple cough may also seem as a symptom of COVID-19. It is better to get the flu shots, eat healthily, and practice good hygiene to keep our loved ones protected. 



    Mag-ingat po tayo, at ingatan din natin ang ating mga mga mahal sa buhay! 

