Shaken Baby Syndrome: Detection and Prevention

May 23, 2022

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Shaken Impact Syndrome, or Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), is ‌child abuse resulting from a severe brain injury when a toddler or baby is shaken violently. This destroys the child’s brain cells and prevents oxygen from getting into the brain. 


SBS is a kids’ health concern that affects toddlers and infants. It mainly affects infants who are around two to four months old. It happens less as they grow older, but children up to five are still at risk if they are violently shaken. 


Such an injury could cause permanent brain damage or even death. Fret not; SBS is both avoidable and preventable; here’s what you should know about it: 


Symptoms and Causes of Shaken Baby Syndrome


In infancy, a child’s head is much larger and heavier than the rest of the body. When shaken, their brains bounce against the sides of the skull, which can cause SBS.


The body of a baby, specifically the neck, cannot fully support their heads. Severe shaking can cause head trauma and brain injury. 


Parents, guardians, and caregivers usually shake a child when they’ve been crying or if they have been fussy. This is an attempt to calm the child down if they’ve been difficult for a while. It isn’t rare for adults to shake children out of frustration or anger, which unknowingly puts them at risk of SBS.


In most cases, adults will probably not realize that a child already has SBS as external evidence of injuries. Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome usually peak within 4 to 6 hours of the incident, but some symptoms appear immediately after the incident.


It’s essential to note the symptoms to address them immediately. That said, here are some signs to look out for: 


• Bluish or pale skin

• Vomiting 

• Extreme irritability or fussiness 

• Loss of appetite or feeding problems

• Breathing problems

• Lethargy (this may include drowsiness, difficulty in staying awake, and slow movement) 

• Seizures

• Inability to focus

• Unconsciousness (which might lead to comatose) 

• Cardiac arrest 


Here are also some symptoms that might be detected upon medical examination: 


• Closed head injury bleeding

• Concussions and contusions

• Bruises

• Soft tissue swelling

• Retinal hemorrhages

• Low blood pressure 

• Abdominal and chest injuries


Seek immediate help if you suspect your child is injured. Seeking medical care right away will save a life or prevent serious health problems, but it will also help determine the probable cause of the injury. 


Prognosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome


Many cases of SBS are fatal, and some lead to severe neurological damage. In most cases, the prognosis for SBS varies depending on the severity of the injury. In the worst cases, death caused by Shaken Baby Syndrome results from tears in the brain tissue or internal bleeding. Those with milder injuries may still show developmental difficulties in the long run. Thus, medical care is still advised.



Take note that surviving babies and toddlers with SBS might develop the following disabilities: 


• Paralysis 

• Epilepsy 

• Seizures

• Cerebral Palsy 

• Intellectual disability

• Loss of vision (which may lead to blindness) 

• Behavioral issues

• Developmental Delays


Again, note that the prognosis for Shaken Baby Syndrome varies depending on the severity of the injury and how long they left it untreated. 


How to Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome


Fortunately, Shaken Impact Syndrome is highly preventable, given that parents and guardians better understand the dangers of shaking a child. Regardless of how violent or soft the shaking is, it would still be worthwhile to know how to hold and calm down a baby when they’re crying. 


Where infants are too fussy and inconsolable, try the following techniques:


• Take the baby outside for fresh air.

• Present the child with a toy or a pacifier. 

• Ask a relative to help. 

• Play music or put on their favorite show.


The frustrations of raising an infant might get stressful for new parents, but it’s always important to remember how to handle a child gently. If the frustration and stress get a bit too much, it’s advised to seek help from professionals. 


It would help to attend kids’ health, or childcare classes to help with raising a child. If you’re planning to have other people (may it be a caregiver or a relative) care for your child, take time to educate them to avoid injuries. 


Shaken Baby Syndrome is a risk to a child’s health, and most often, people don’t know that it has already happened. It’s essential always to note the symptoms and be wary of the causes of SBS so that infants won’t be at risk. It also helps to take extra steps to ensure that children are cared for regardless of their mood to reduce any health risks.


Better safe than sorry, mommies!

