The Best Fat Loss Diet: Low-Carb or Low-Fat?

Joanna Marie O. Santos
September 11, 2023

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For the longest time, the best type of diet for weight loss has been debated. Many health researchers claim that the benefits of a low-carb diet include better chances of fat loss, while some studies claim that low fat is a more effective method instead. The debate often revolves around which type of nutrient is more harmful, but the answer should actually consider which diet has a better capability of providing what your body needs.


As moms, it is common to be mindful of our health, especially since staying healthy is essential for us to be there for our families whenever they need us. It's easy to assume that the best way to lose fat is to observe a low-fat diet, but other studies show that a low-carb diet is better at burning fat and losing weight instead. In other studies, both diets are reported to have the same effects, and the person’s health inclination rather than the contents of the diet itself influences the results. In this article, we will discuss which type of diet is best for you, as well as the types of food that you should incorporate into the diet of your choice.


The Best Fat Loss Diet: Low-Carb or Low-Fat?


Whether you have chosen the low-carb diet or the low-fat diet, incorporating enough nutrients is essential. A common issue about dieting that many people encounter is that a diet plan that worked with someone they know was not effective for them. Our own genetics play a huge role in determining which diet works best for us. 


According to a study released by the Stanford University of Medicine, one diet may not be as effective to one person as it is to another, and one of the biggest factors that influences the effectiveness of the diet is our genome. Of course, having our genetics tested to identify which diet is best for us is not simple, but trying both diets and analyzing the results can give us a clearer view of which diet works best for us. 


What Is A Low-Fat Diet?


Image from MyNetDiary 


A Low-fat diet is a popular fat-loss method that limits the consumption of high-fat foods such as dairy. In a low-fat diet, the person is encouraged to increase their fruits and veggies intake while significantly reducing the fat we consume by 30%. Whole grains are also added to a low-fat diet, which helps prolong the feeling of fullness. 


When To Avoid A Low-Fat Diet?


For those who are recommended to take extra care of their cardiovascular health, observing a low-fat diet may not be advisable. In addition to this, a low-fat diet may not be ideal for those who have infertility issues. A study conducted by the Department of Nutrition and Harvard School of Public Health reveals that a low-fat diet may affect a person’s fertility. 


What Is A Low-Carb Diet?


Image from Diabetes Food Hub 


A low-carb diet is known to help reduce weight, increase fat loss, and even stabilize blood sugar levels. In a low-carb diet, fat is not as regulated. Full-fat dairy is allowed, unlike in a low-fat diet, and other dairy products such as butter and dairy are also allowed. In a low-carb diet, protein intake is increased and grains and processed foods are reduced to a degree.


When To Avoid A Low-Carb Diet?


According to Haley Hughes, R.D. in an article published in Shapes, a person should stop practicing a low-fat diet if their lipid levels are becoming too low. This is especially true if the person knows that they have a higher risk of developing a heart disease or those with type 1 diabetes. 


The Best Diet For Fat Loss


Choosing the right type of diet is significant in successfully losing fat and weight, and observing the best diet that suits your own needs is essential in maintaining a healthy weight for longer. Again, our own genes affect the effectiveness of a diet, which is why choosing the best diet for you requires trial and error.