Why Breastfeeding is Healthier for Both Mothers and Babies?

March 22, 2022

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  • Breastfeeding does not only boost a baby’s development but also benefits the mother’s health. Here are the health benefits of breastfeeding for both moms and babies!


    Breast milk is a natural perfect baby food as it provides optimal nutrition, contains the right nutrients, is easily digested and is readily available for moms and babies. 


    It is natural for moms to breastfeed especially with a new born baby. 


    As moms, the best choices must be made especially when it comes to your children. Switching to baby formula might be okay at 12 months old, being a breastfeeding mother is still recommended by pediatrics for many reasons as it benefits both moms and their babies.


    Here are the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding! 


    1. 1. Provides your baby nutrition


    As mentioned earlier, breast milk contains everything your baby needs for the first 6 months of life — in all the right proportions. During the first days after giving birth, your breasts produce thick and yellowish fluid called colostrum which is high in protein, low in sugar and is loaded with beneficial compounds which are not replaceable by baby formula. 


    The only thing that your breast milk may be lacking is Vitamin D, but apart from that all the beneficial nutrients breast milk consists of. 


    1. 2. Helps your baby’s digestive system


    Given that breast milk is high in colostrum, the first ideal milk that helps your newborn immature digestive tract to develop. Breast milk helps in developing your baby’s digestion system. Since breast milk is designed to be digested quickly, your baby will eat it often, getting the nutrients they need. 


    1. 3. Protection against allergies


    If there is an allergy or eczema history in your family, it is recommended to breastfeed your baby. Protein in cow’s milk can stimulate an allergic reaction for your baby whereas your natural milk’s protein can be easily digested protecting your baby from allergic reactions.


    1. 4. Reduces risk of viruses and diseases


    Breast Milk is loaded with antibodies that can help in fighting off viruses and bacteria which is very critical in your baby’s early months. 


    Colostrum or your first breast milk, provides your baby high amounts of immunoglobulin as well as other antibodies.


    Compared to formula, your breast milk can provide antibody protection for your baby. Numerous studies show that babies that are not breastfed are more likely to have health issues like pneumonia, diarrhea and infection, than a breastfeeding baby.


    1. 5. Brings your baby closer to you


    Breastfeeding builds a bond between you and your baby. Skin-to-skin contact of breastfeeding reassures your newborn that you are present. 


    While breastfeeding can be beneficial to your baby, breastfeeding can also be beneficial to moms! Here are some benefits of breastfeeding for mommies! 


    1. 1. Lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancer


    Studies have shown that breastfeeding mothers have a lesser risk of having breast or ovarian cancer later in life. Breastfeeding has also been associated with a decreased prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and arthritis, giving you long-term protection. 


    1. 2. Helps lose the pregnancy weight


    It is natural for a pregnant woman to gain weight during her pregnancy. As breast milk production can burn out 300-500 calories a day, breastfeeding moms can burn or lose their pregnancy weight in a healthy way through breastfeeding. 


    1. 3. Lowers the risk of osteoporosis 


    Breastfeeding moms have a lower risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis according to medical professionals. Lactating moms absorb more calcium efficiently into her body lowering her risk of developing osteoporosis in a later age. 


    1. 4. Saves you money


    Because breast milk is a natural food from your body and is readily available, you don’t have to spend money buying baby formula. Breastfeeding spares you from the extra expenses as well as time when it comes to feeding your baby because it is essentially free! 


    1. 5. Brings you closer to your baby


    Last but not the least, breastfeeding brings you and your baby closer together as it forms a physical bond between you and your little one. Most moms cite this as their biggest benefit of breastfeeding. It is something special you and your child share together. 


    The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous and are recommended by health professionals as much as possible. It not only protects your baby but also you as well!


    It is important that your baby is breastfed during the first 6 months and is recommended that they continue to be breastfed until the age of one. 


    No matter what choice you make, it is important to remember and consider what’s best for you and your baby. 


    You got this, mommies!


    Sources: healthline.com, cdc.gov, parents.com