10 Doable New Year’s Resolutions and Mantras for Moms

Olivia Barredo
January 13, 2023

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As the clock strikes midnight on January 1st, food feasts are not only the target but also resolutions like hitting the gym, eating healthier, and saving more money. But why not mix things up this year and make a resolution that truly matters? As lights of the household, mothers always aim for being the best—like becoming the ultimate supermom. As a mother, you juggle a million responsibilities every day and still manage to keep a smile on your face. So, let's take your superpowers to the next level and make this year about becoming the best version of yourself—not only for you but for your families as well. 


You might be thinking, "But I'm already a mom, isn't that enough?" Yes, you are. But being a mom is a full-time job and it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities and forget to take care of yourself. Resolutions are the things you do to yourself and can serve as a powerful motivator to help you achieve much bigger goals. However, while these resolutions can be effective, they are not the only tool you should have to make things possible. Mantras, on the other hand, are phrases or affirmations that you repetitively say to yourself in order to focus your mindset. They can be used together with resolutions or could be as a standalone thought that can be a helpful tool for personal growth and self-improvement. 


Resolutions VS Mantras: Should You Do Both?


By making a resolution to become a mantra, you are not only setting yourself up for success, but you are setting a positive example for your children. Being a matra means setting boundaries, making time for self-care, and continuing to learn and grow as an individual. It means striking a balance between being a loving and devoted mother, while also pursuing your own passions and interests. It's about showing your children that it's okay to put themselves first sometimes and that it's important to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. And to become the best version of yourself (as a mom and as a woman of culture), of course, you have to possess both resolutions and mantras.


Should you do both? It depends on your personal preference and the goals you're trying to achieve but combining the two can be a powerful tool for success. Whether you choose to make New Year's resolutions, use mantras, or do both, the key is to find what works for you and stick with it. Either way, we are still here to help you get on track with whichever you want to do. Here are the 5 New Year’s Resolutions and Matras for Mom!



5 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms


Laugh More


Getting up early, work, monthly bills, your kids (sometimes your partner), let us admit it. whether you are a mom or just a normal being, life can be tough sometimes, and laughing is the least of our priorities. However, as a mom, laughing is the best way to relieve stress. We all suffer from stress and tiredness however don’t be so serious about life. There are so many things that life can offer us. And the main point is: Always find ways to laugh more. May it be silly or petty to some, but who cares? They say that crying is good for the soul, how much more if it is from hard laughing, right? 


You can turn on the karaoke and have an after-lunch singing session, have a mini costume contest with your kids, or maybe a family/comedy movie night can cure all the problems you have to deal with this week. All moms are imperfect, but sometimes your smile can heal your kids too. 


Treat Your Body With Kindness


After pregnancy, moms struggle with body image and womanhood issues. But this is the word: Do not be too clouded by the media and society’s definition of womanhood and motherhood (especially if it's rooted in your physical appearance). No one is entitled to give comments about your body (not even your partner) because you do you. So, instead of contemplating how will your pre-mom clothes will fit you, better to treat your body with kindness first. Love ‘em. For sure you’ll miss it, one way or another. But if you are thinking of exercising, it is a good sign that you have something to look forward to, especially in a way that you can stay healthy and something where you can dump your stress. But always remember to not punish your body. 


Also, a little reminder to eat more and savor all the foods on your table because you deserve it, and get more sleep and power nap when your kids are resting too. Just don’t pressure yourself. 


Lean Into Fun


Sometimes, looking after a child is stressful. The fact that you have to make sure that they are safe but at the same time enjoying their time at the park. But, the only way to lessen the stress while babysitting your kid is to join them. The only way that you can do this is by incorporating fun into your daily lives. One way mothers can "lean in" to fun is by setting aside dedicated time for themselves and their loved ones. By making fun a priority, mothers can help reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. It is not necessary to go out from time to time. For example, playing with your kids is one way to spend time with them. Or if you love to cook, you could plan a cooking night sesh with your family and everyone will get involved in preparing and cooking, and of course, having to share stories with each other while enjoying the meal. By doing this, your home can be the ideal environment for fun and making memories. 



Spend Quality Time With Your Partner


After being a mom, priorities shift into changing diapers over date nights. But that does not equate to falling out of love or thinking that you two should not prioritize each other. Spending quality time with your partner is essential in any healthy relationship. And let's be real, who doesn't want to be in a healthy relationship? It's about love and companionship especially now that you have little ones. Building the right relationship is not only essential for both of you, but also for your kids.


Parenting is such hard work and it is something that you should work on together every once in a while. Make an effort to spend time together and always make it count. Leaving your kids with their grandparents isn’t a crime. You should also consider going out occasionally. Remember, you are not just building a relationship, but always remember that you and your partner are a team. 


Marie Kondo Your Life


As a mom, you are always caught up by the pressure of everyday chaos inside your home. But one way for you to simplify your life and find more peace and joy is by following the KonMari method or principles of Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, and author. The KonMari Method, as it is known, encourages individuals to declutter their living spaces by keeping only items that "spark joy." 


This includes getting rid of items that do not bring joy, decluttering your kids’ clothes or toys that are no longer in use, and organizing essentials by category. Not only this will clean your living space but also will give you peace and a refreshing mind. In this way, moms like you can reduce stress and mental clutter, making it easier to focus on what truly matters. 


5 Mantras for Moms to Live Out


“The days are long, but the years are short”


When you are a mom, an hour feels like a day, and a day could feel like a year, in short: Everything is a routine. You do your chores, feed the kids at the exact same time, and tuck them in bed every night. Sure you are a responsible mom. But you have to keep in mind that you should also cherish every moment of being a mom. Even small talk with your kids is a precious moment, even in the toughest time of being a mom, even on the days that fate is testing you, it still matters. You just have to endure and cherish every moment. 


“Err in the direction of kindness” 


Parents, especially moms, will always be role models to their children. So, there is no way but to be kind. Always. It is essential to be kind and caring towards your kid, your partner, and especially, yourself. Kindness can help to create a positive and nurturing environment for children to grow and develop in. And if a kid were shown and raised in a kind and gentle environment, they are more likely to become a better person when they grow up. 


“Let them be little”


Having a child is challenging and sometimes could be so stressful. However, always keep in mind that they are still kids. Kids are sometimes silly, funny, or chaotic. One piece of advice is to cherish it while it last. Laugh with them, let them enjoy chocolates, and support them with their silly trips. One day, you’ll never realize that time is passing and they are finally grownups. 



“I am giving myself grace”


One thing is for sure: You are doing the best that you can and what is right for your kids. Motherhood is a tough journey, and you will never stop being a mom. From the moment you bare and give birth, you are one. So be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break. You may not know how your kids feel about you but always remember to take care of yourself. It is important for moms to understand that they are not perfect and may make mistakes, and again, that is fine. 


“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it”

Take note of this: Your kids’ reality, is your reality. If your kids believe in unicorns, tell them unicorns are real. If your kids know that Santa lives at the North Pole and will visit them every Christmas Day, make an effort—to convince and surprise them. Always have fun. Engage with your kids. Don’t ruin your fantasy (it might be true, who knows), you might never find it. 


With that, let’s raise a toast (or a coffee mug) to the best moms out there who are setting their standards and making this year a better version of themselves. Whether you are planning to go on with your usual routine, add a little spice by doing the daily mantra, or focus more on your New Year’s resolutions, either way, sure thing that these are all rooted in your love for your family. And also don’t forget that as a mom, you’re a superhero in your own unique way. So, always remind yourself that you are a tough (and cool mom). Cheers to another year of moth