10 Greatest Life Lessons You'll Learn as a Mother

May 18, 2022

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Being a mom is one of the biggest life changes a woman can go through. Along the way, you’ll face a lot of problems, challenges, stress, new experiences, joy, and love from your child. Most of all, there are a lot of lessons to learn in raising a child. 


You will ‌ understand more about yourself and your child through these life lessons you’ll learn as a mother. 


Here are the 10 greatest lessons you’ll learn from being a mom! 


Being grateful for everything you have


Life can give us a lot of problems, but good things as well. Most of the time, we are so focused on the challenges we are facing and forget about the blessings that we currently have. Being a mom teaches you to be grateful, especially through your child. Because they alone are truly a blessing. 


Being a mom teaches you gratitude and being thankful for the gifts life offers!


Always expect the unexpected


Raising a child will teach you to always expect the unexpected. Having a child, especially if they’re your first, is very unpredictable. Whether they make a mess or you’re experiencing difficulty in finding time for everything, not everything goes into plan. But motherhood allows you to learn to prepare. This is a chance for you to learn under pressure and always have a backup plan!


There is always a way!


It may be hard most days and you may feel everything is impossible. But being a mom teaches you to be resilient and being able to make things work. 


Being a mother makes you a stronger person and becomes a better mother to your child. No matter how things get, you will always find a way!



Be present


Nowadays, we are so consumed with technology. We are always glued to our screens to stay updated and yet we aren’t really present in reality. Motherhood teaches you to be present, especially when you are with your child. 


If your face is always hiding behind your phone, you miss the important moments with your child. Remember, these are special memories you can never take back, so be sure to always be present! 


Enjoy the little things, always. 


As a mom, this part of your life teaches you to appreciate little things more! You will get so busy taking care of your child that sometimes having those moments for yourself becomes rare. When you get the time, you cherish them more! As parents, you may feel guilty when you spend time with yourself. But it is okay. It is one of the many lessons to learn for parents. Enjoying the brief moments should not make you feel guilty!


You get to see the beauty in life’s simplest moments, because we never truly appreciate them for what they are! 


Stop comparing your life to others


With having social media being accessible 24/7, it is inevitable to compare your life to those we see on the internet. Especially those moms who seem to get their life together. A lesson to learn from being a mom is to stop comparing your life to others. Realize your own blessings and do not compare your life to other people’s lives. Just remember, everything we see on social media is not always true or is just a small snippet of their reality. 


You will change.


From getting pregnant, you will see a lot of change physically. But being a mom goes beyond birth. Everything, including yourself, will change once you become a mother. You suddenly care a lot for someone else and always make sure that you will provide a safe environment for your child. You become responsible for another human being. Even though you’ve changed, always remember that this is a better version of yourself because this is a version of you that takes care of your child. Embrace it!



There is nothing like love for your child


Once you get to meet your child at birth, everything will change. There is nothing compared to the love you have for your child. Once you hold them, you know you would do absolutely anything to protect them. This feeling you have for your child is one of the purest love you will ever experience. 


A mother’s job is never done


Whether you are a full-time mom or a working mom, you’re constantly on call with your child. Almost everything you do comes from being a mother. Your thoughts are always with your children. A mother’s job does not end at home, you are a mom 24/7!


You are strong, and you will find purpose


Being a mother can make you feel overwhelmed. And sometimes you may feel that you lost your identity from being a mother. But as you learn along the way, being a mother will give you a greater purpose. Always remember that you are strong. You could carry a human being, nourish them, keep them safe, and love them unconditionally. As a mother, you will realize how strong you truly are. 


It can get challenging and overwhelming, but being a mom will teach you the greatest life lessons you can ever learn. 


You got this, mommies!


Sources: justsimplymom.com, lifehack.org, freepik.com