How to Find Balance Between Work and Personal Life for Working Moms

March 22, 2022

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Being a mother is challenging alone. But finding balance between working and personal life is a whole new challenge for moms. Here are tips on how working moms can balance work and their personal lives! 


Being a mom is tough enough. But being a working mom is another challenge for mothers. Being able to be committed to work full-time and being there for your family is quite an impossible task for working moms to take on. It can be exhausting. 


In today’s world many moms choose to have a full-time job while still being a mom to their children. But is it realistic?


Balancing work and personal life can be quite a question to some: Is there really a work and life balance for working moms? 


It is possible! Moms can still have a fulfilling career while being a mother to their kids. It just takes finding the right balance between work and their personal life. 


Here are some tips on how working moms can find balance between work and their personal lives! 


Letting go of the Mom Guilt


As society often judges working mothers for “abandoning” or “neglecting” their children when they choose to work full-time, when in tradition fathers are more expected to provide for their family and it is a mom’s duty to stay at home and care for the children. This sexist way of judgment sadly still exists. 


In reality some women do not have the luxury to be a stay-at-home mom and some do not want to give up their career just because they started a family. For whatever reason, moms often have this “guilt” because of all these judgments they receive from others. 


If you are feeling guilty for not being a full-time mom to your child, it’s time to let go of that guilt. 


It is important to focus on the positive things this choice of being a working mom has contributed to your family. Always remember that as long as you are thinking and doing what’s best for your children, you are doing what’s right for them. 


Maintain an Open Communication with Your Employer or Manager


To be a working mom does not mean you’d be less productive as an employee. 


But sometimes, adjustments must be made especially when it comes to your kids. 


Whenever your child needs a parent to be with them when they are sick or has an appointment, it is usually moms who are the primary parent responsible for this. That’s why sometimes, working moms need to be more flexible when it comes to their working schedules. 


It is important that you keep an open communication with your employer or manager to address these adjustments or needs. Being transparent about family matters is important for your employer or manager to know. Hopefully they would be more understanding when it comes to these matters.



Reduce Distractions


Being able to stay on schedule can be quite a challenge. Time is precious when you are a working mom. Distractions can be inevitable especially for those moms working at home, and can affect your productivity. 


To stay productive it is important for moms to stay away from distractions whether you are working from home or on-site. Make sure that work time is work time and family time is family time. 


Plan Ahead & Create Schedules


Scheduling your day can be super helpful and important, particularly to those moms who have very little flexibility in their schedules. 


Creating schedules can help you also to allot breaks in between work, but this needs a lot of discipline and consistency. Use planners or even apps available on your mobile phone to keep things organized. Apart from your work tasks, it is helpful to also list down your to-do’s at home like buying groceries, doctor’s appointments and others.


By having important things to do listed on your schedule you can’t let them slide. You can do this during the start of the day by listing the essential things first, then start writing down the minor things you want to get done. 


Plan ahead so that nothing is left to the last minute!



Make Time For Yourself


Finding time for yourself can be crucial in maintaining a healthy mental space and inner peace within the hectic environment of work and personal life. 


As moms, you are sometimes expected to be self-less when it comes to your family. But it doesn’t always have to come to the point that you neglect yourself! How will you be able to take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself first?



Find the time on a regular basis to find an activity that will allow you to relax and recharge. It may be some sort of exercise like yoga, jogging or you can read a good book or simply pamper yourself!


Always remember that “self care is not selfish”, this also sets an example to your children to also take care of themselves before they can take care of others! 


Connect with Other Moms


As a working mom, you are not alone. There are a lot of working mothers who experience the same struggles you do. 


Seeking connections with other working moms like you can help you find support in your situation and be able to relate to them. You can reach out to them for advice, parenting tips, and for help when you need it, and vise-versa. 


While full-time moms have more flexibility to arrange meet-ups, working moms can also have that same type of community. 


Finding your community will show you that you don’t have to go through these challenges alone.



Find the Definition of Balance


Lastly, in being able to find balance you have to find your definition of what balance is. 


It is the first thing you must do: define what balance means to you and not compare yourself to others. You have to evaluate the reality of your situation. Sometimes it isn’t always 50-50 for both work and family. It will always depend on your situation. What works for some, may not work for others.


Your definition of balance will be based on what your job is, the support you have, your priorities and your wants. To figure out the right equation, will leave you happy and fulfilled as well as your family. And as your children get older or your job changes in the long run, the balancing act also changes. 


Finding balance between work and home means constantly reflecting on what’s best for you and your family. Keep in mind that you are not alone, it takes a whole village to raise a child. Things may constantly change from time to time in finding the right balance but do not be afraid of it. 


Can a working mom have a successful career and fulfilling family life? It is possible! 


It may not always be perfect, but finding your balance can help make it better. Just take it one day at a time.


You got this, mommies!

