Me Time: Importance of Mommy Self Care!

May 30, 2022

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  • Being a mom is one of the most challenging yet most rewarding jobs in the world. As moms, we often put our kids and their interests first, and ourselves last. That’s not bad, but moms need to know how to take care of themselves. Self care for mothers is essential to make sure that they stay energized both physically and mentally as they go about their day-to-day tasks of running the household. 


    Here’s how moms can practice caring for themselves and how they can reap the benefits of self care. 


    Self care is essential to a mom’s emotional health and maintaining a healthy relationship with their family. Having no time for oneself could lead to more harm than good because factors such as stress, burnout, and even illness can affect someone if they aren’t getting the self care that they need. If your schedule is packed, the best that you can do is to allow a few minutes of a day to yourself, but if you can, try spending a whole day on yourself to have some time for yourself. 


    Here are some easy ways that you can practice self care that won’t make a dent in your busy schedule: 


    Move your body


    Sometimes, moms are constantly sitting or lying down – especially if they are new moms. Exercising is a great way to practice self care as it builds strength, boosts energy, and helps your body work correctly. If you find that you can’t allow a couple of hours in a day to exercise, you can always do simple exercises such as jumping jacks or running a couple of laps in your backyard to help energize your body. You can also try doing a bit of yoga at home if you’re up for it because it’s also a great way to energize yourself.


    Give your brain a boost


    There are a couple of ways to give your brain a boost throughout the day. To start, you can try the following activities: 


    • Meditate
    • Read a couple of chapters of your favorite book
    • Draw or sketch
    • Pick up an adult coloring book or paint
    • Start a diary or a journal 
    • Do puzzles


    Keeping a healthy mind is also essential to maintaining good emotional health. It’s also a great way to see the importance of self care as you can read books on it or even start a journal about your self-care journey. 






    Pamper yourself


    When people hear the word “pamper,” it always equates to a day at the spa or the salon, and that’s a great way to give yourself some tender loving care. Pampering yourself is an excellent way to practice self care because you can reap the benefits of it. Moms who go out on a salon day feel more confident and better, boosting their energy.


    If you find you can’t spend a day out, you can always replicate the experience at home. Moms can relax in a hot bath or dedicate a few minutes of their time in the shower to their skin care. You can also have a nap to pamper yourself and practice self care. 



    Connect with Friends


    Maintaining a healthy relationship with people around you is also a great way to practice self care. You can go out shopping or get together at a restaurant with your friends. You can also try meeting new people by joining groups for moms or hobby groups. Connecting with friends or new people can also help boost mental and emotional health, which is excellent for self care. 



    Hone your skills



    A great way to realize the importance of self care is by taking up a hobby or trying out a new skill. This can start with trying new recipes in the kitchen or attending a class you’ve been putting off. Trying something out or practicing a skill is excellent for when you’re looking for something to add to your daily routine. It adds a bit of variety to your day, but it also allows moms to have a bit of time to themselves as well. 


    You can also try doing these activities with your kids if it’s unavoidable to have them around. This way, you can bond with them while trying something new for yourself at the same time.





    Finally, unwinding after a long day is ideally one of the best ways to practice self care. After putting your kids to bed or doing chores, take this time to yourself and relax. This is also a great time to do any of the activities on this list. Alternatively, you can go out for a walk in the park or relax with your favorite meal on the porch. Unwinding can also mean just spending a bit of time to yourself doing what you want to boost your energy, reflect and re-energize. 


    As a mom, it’s normal to feel guilty whenever you take time for yourself – especially if you’re a new mom. But remember that taking care of yourself will allow you to take care of others better. Moms are superheroes in their own right, and they also need to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally. For moms looking to practice self care, you can start anywhere or simply try to take time for yourself within the busy day to relax and reflect. 


    You got this, mommies!


