Back to Work? How to Deal with Separation Anxiety for Working Moms

March 29, 2022

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  • When the COVID-19 pandemic hit last March 2020, most schools and businesses were forced to shift into the work from home set up. With this, some parents had to find the balance of catering to their family’s needs and working productively at the comfort of their home. 



    With almost two years of working from home, a lot of companies and businesses are slowly shifting back to the traditional office set-up. This also includes parents, particularly working moms, to return to in-person work and leave their kids at home. It can be a big change, especially with established routines followed. Apart from that, this adjustment means their kids don’t get to see their mothers as often as before when they return to the office. 



    Returning to on-site work can be emotionally challenging for both moms and children, and may give them separation anxiety. 



    Paternal Separation Anxiety is a normal mom’s experience of worry and/or guilt at having them separated from their kids and not being there for them 24/7 — especially for working mothers. It may leave you feeling many emotions, but it is possible for you to overcome them! 



    Here are tips you can consider in order to deal with separation anxiety. 



    1. Recognize and Accept What You Are Feeling



    The first step to overcome separation anxiety or any type of feeling is to recognize what it is and accept that it is normal to feel this way. As mothers, it is natural to feel worried or sad when you are apart from your children. 



    Being anxious about being away means you care about your child as a parent. The feeling can be overwhelming, but it does not mean you can’t overcome it. 



    Recognizing and accepting the feeling of anxiety means you can conquer it. You can even talk to someone, like your partner, about what you are feeling and share with them what you are experiencing. Sharing what you feel can be validating and makes you assured you are not alone. 



    As a mother, worrying for your child is unavoidable. But you have to recognize and accept these feelings for you to overcome them.  




    2. Prepare Yourself Mentally



    Going back to the office is such a big adjustment, especially after two years of being with your family 24/7. This transition can get challenging.



    With this, it is important to keep in mind to keep your expectations in check. 



    Working from home has provided a lot of us a more flexible schedule and made it easier for us to be with our families. Going back to work on-site may be different. Understand that returning to the office may not give you the same perks as working from home does. Just like not seeing your children as often. 



    Prepare yourself mentally with these big changes and adjustments. It is also crucial to make your children understand the changes that will occur for them to not feel as anxious. 



    3. Organize & Plan The Day



    Your days will be different once you return to the office. 



    Just as a lot of us found balance in working from home and attending to your children’s needs, it is essential for you to organize your day to keep track of what’s important. 



    You can still attend to their needs while being at the office. It just takes proper and practical organizing! 



    You can plan their meals for the day, schedule calls to check up on them. This can develop new and effective routines in which your child can get used to and would make them feel you are still there for them even if you are not home as often. 





    4. Stay Connected with Your Kids



    As a working mom, you can still maintain your connection with your kid even if you are not with them.



    There are so many creative ways for you to make them feel you are there. 



    You can call them from time to time to ask about their day and how they’re feeling or you can even leave affirmation notes before going to work! 



    Staying connected with your children helps overcome the separation anxiety both mothers and children feel. It reminds them that being away does not mean you won’t be there for them, but makes them feel you are still the hands on mother that you are. 



    5. Ask for Help



    Returning to the office always brings in the question: who will look after my kids?



    Having someone you care about and looking after your children is every mom’s stress. You can always talk to people you trust to look after your child, they can be your own parents, siblings, or babysitters. Knowing someone you trust is looking out and caring for your child helps ease your anxiety!



    It is important to understand that asking for help should not be an issue, especially with your children. You’d be surprised at how many people will lend you a hand! 



    This pandemic has brought many of us challenges: from balancing life and work at home to overcoming the anxiety of being away from your children. But we can face any challenge. There will be a lot of changes and transitions, but as long as you are willing to learn and overcome them, everything will be just alright!



    You got this, mommies!


