Swaddling 101: Why It Works and How to Do It

Olivia Barredo
May 2, 2023

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Swaddling has been an age-old practice that involves securely wrapping a baby in a blanket to help them feel cozy and relaxed. It is thought to mimic the warmth and comfort of being in the womb, and with the perfect swaddling technique, you might just be able to bring comfort to your little one when they just can’t stop themselves from crying. But what type of swaddling would they most prefer? In this article, we have some tried and tested swaddling techniques that may help you easily navigate your journey as a new parent!


What are the Benefits of Swaddling?


Research has shown that swaddling comes with a number of benefits, and is a practice that is highly encouraged when dealing with your newborn. As mentioned before, swaddling mimics the warmth and coziness of being in the womb, and can bring relaxation to your baby, especially considering that they aren’t used to the environment and atmosphere of the real world.


Another benefit it brings is its ability to alleviate the effects of the Moro reflex–a neurological response that makes a newborn feel as though they are falling. It is also called the startle reflex, and is a common phenomenon experienced by newborns, usually within the first 3 to 4 months of life. Although the presence of the Moro reflex is an indication of a healthy baby, its effects can disrupt the baby’s sleep. Involuntary movements caused by this reflex can easily wake them up, and swaddling can prevent these sudden movements and allow your little one to have a more restful sleep.


Swaddling a baby can also be particularly beneficial in alleviating colic symptoms. Colic can be one of the most challenging parenting experiences, and can occur due to the baby’s developing digestive system. The light and very gentle pressure on the baby’s belly when swaddling brings a therapeutic and calming effect, providing relief to the infant during days when they have difficulty digesting their food. 


What are the Types of Swaddling?


  1. Traditional Blanket Swaddle / Burrito Wrap


One of the easiest and most classic forms of swaddling, the Burrito Wrap, is an essential swaddling technique all parents must know! For starters, you’re going to want to place the swaddling blanket on a flat surface in a diamond shape. Take the top-most corner and fold it downwards about 4 inches.


Then, place your baby on their back with the top line just above their neck. Before you wrap, decide first if you’re going to want your baby’s arms tucked inside the wrap or outside. Tucking inside is the ideal position for newborn babies, while having your baby’s arms out is better for older babies. 


Now is the time to wrap! Take the right side of the blanket and bring it across the baby’s body and tuck it underneath their left side. Take the bottom corner and bring it upwards towards the baby’s head and securely tuck it into the blanket, then wrap the remaining corner across the baby and tuck it underneath the right-hand side.


For a visual reference, check out this video:



  1. Hands Up Swaddle


For this swaddling technique, many of the steps are similar to the Burrito Wrap swaddle, but this time we have to take into consideration that now the baby’s arms will be raised. Again, take your swaddling blanket and place it on a flat surface in a diamond position, and fold the top corner downward 4 inches, or until your baby’s bottom! 


Now place your baby on the blanket. You will then place the baby’s hand and tuck it underneath the fold you just made, then wrap that side across their body and tuck it underneath them. Afterwards, you will take the bottom corner and tuck just the tip into the top of the swaddle. It is important that there is enough room for the baby’s legs to remain in a frog position.


Next, tuck the baby’s other hand underneath the other fold, and wrap the other side across the baby’s body. There should be a ‘V’ shape underneath your baby’s chin.


For a visual reference, here is a video:


  1. Simple Swaddle


A swaddle meant for older newborns, using the simple swaddling technique, was meant more for babies who are starting to develop their motor skills. Flailing limbs from the Moro reflex can wake them up, and this swaddle can help keep their arms secure and comfortably tucked away while sleeping. 


Again, place your swaddling blanket in a diamond shape, and fold downward the topmost corner just above your baby’s neckline. Place your baby face up and gently place their left arm down by their side and wrap the left side of the blanket across their body. Tuck this side underneath, and repeat the process for the other side.


Finally, take the bottom corner of the blanket and fold it upwards, tucking it within the blanket in front. 


For a visual reference, this video might help:



Swaddling has been a trusted technique for providing comfort and relaxation to newborns for centuries. With the appropriate swaddling technique, you can bring your little one such much-needed comfort during difficult times, and can help your baby feel secure and peaceful during a good night’s rest.