Breastfeeding Moms: Ang Mga Mabuting Epekto ng Breastfeeding

August 15, 2022

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  • Body image issues, physical discomfort, and lack of confidence are only some of the reasons why some mothers have an aversion to breastfeeding. If you’re planning to breastfeed, these might also be some of your concerns. Especially with the number of formula milk ads these days you might even be considering bottle feeding and avoiding breastfeeding altogether. However, these ads still reiterate that breastfeeding is still the best for babies and it’s true. 


    5  Mabuting Epekto ng Breastfeeding 


    We’ve gathered information on the benefits of breastfeeding so that you can learn more about it. Here are five benefits of breastfeeding discussed in detail.


    It Helps The Mom Emotionally


    Breastfeeding allows a release of good hormones that helps the mom emotionally. These hormones are prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones induce positive feelings and reduce stress from the nursing mother. It gives mothers this sense of maternal fulfillment and joy since breastfeeding is an experience unique only to the mother. It allows the mother and the baby to form a strong physical and emotional bond.  


    Studies have also shown that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop postpartum depression (PPD) in comparison to moms who stop breastfeeding early or do not breastfeed at all. However, in certain cases, there are mothers who experience PPD early on after delivery which could make it difficult for them to breastfeed. It is best to consult the doctor for such situations.


    Breast Milk Contains Important Antibodies


    Breast milk contains antibodies that help the baby fight off viruses and bacteria which is crucial for the baby’s early months. The mother’s first milk contains immunoglobulin A (IgA) which protects the baby from acquiring any sort of illnesses. It contains immunoglobulin A (IgA) that coats the baby’s nose, throat, and digestive system preventing germs and allergens from passing through. Formula milk does not provide this same protection.



    Breastfed babies have fewer trips to the doctor. Studies support that breastfed babies have a lower chance of getting asthma or allergies. Babies who are purely breastfed for 6 months, without any formula have less diarrhea, ear infections, and respiratory diseases.


    Breast Milk is the Best Source of Nutrition for Newborns


    One of the biggest benefits of breastmilk is the nutrients it provides for the infant. From calcium, protein, vitamins, and fat, it contains everything the baby could possibly need in the right proportions. And the plus side is all of these nutrients are combined all together in a form that is easier to digest than baby formula.


    Mothers must also know that breastmilk even changes over time to adjust according to what the baby needs for growth and development. The first milk which was also mentioned earlier is called Colostrum. It is a thick and yellowish fluid that is nutrient-dense and full of antibodies that no formula milk could ever replace. The second phase is transitional milk which is rich in water-soluble vitamins, lactose, and fat. Lastly, the final milk is called mature milk. It also contains lactose, fat, protein, and minerals.


    Breastmilk has also been found to positively affect the long-term brain development of babies. It has been linked to higher IQ scores in later childhood.


    Breastfeeding Promotes Healthy Weight


    Breastfeeding promotes a healthy weight. This applies to both the mother and the baby. A study has shown that breastfeeding for over 4 months reduces the chances of the baby becoming overweight or obese. This is attributed to the development of beneficial gut bacteria that affects fat storage. Compared to newborns who are fed formula, breastfed babies also have higher levels of leptin in their bodies. An important hormone for regulating body weight.



    For mothers, breastfeeding promotes faster weight loss after birth. Their bodies burn an extra 500 calories a day to continue to be able to produce and maintain their milk supply


    Breastfeeding Helps Uterus Contractions


    When breastfeeding, and oxytocin are released, it stimulates the uterus to contract and helps it return to its normal size. These contractions are also called after pain, these allow the mothers to recover faster from childbirth and lessen postpartum bleeding. 


    Breastfeeding: Until What Age Should Moms Breastfeed?


    Medical experts recommend that all babies be solely breastfed for the first 6 months, then gradually be given solid foods after 6 months while continuing to be breastfed for 2 years or more.


    There are instances when you may need to stop breastfeeding because your body is no longer able to produce milk and in situations like this your baby will need to start weaning. However, you may also opt to stop breastfeeding despite still being able to produce milk and that is also fine, your baby would just need to be given infant formula. It is still best to consult your doctor regarding this prior to making the decision.



    The decision to breastfeed still rests on you, mga mommies. These are only a few of the positives of breastfeeding that will hopefully guide you in making your decision. We just wanted to let you in a little bit more on breastfeeding. Beyond idea the surrounding breastfeeding which are sleepless nights and body pain, there are endless benefits that will make it all worth it. Para kay baby, at para sa kalusugan, we hope you make the best decision.

