Safe Exercises After Giving Birth New Moms Should Try!

April 28, 2022

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  • Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, more so after giving birth. 

    Some of these changes include how our abdominal muscles may have separated and need movement to strengthen them back. 

    While bed rest after childbirth is normal for recovery, it is also advisable to do postpartum exercises. 

    Here are some benefits of exercising after giving birth:

    1. It raises your energy levels. You will most likely feel less tired, as exercising helps enhance your mood and increases good chemicals in your body. 
    2. It promotes weight loss. Pursued with a balanced diet, regular exercise can help you lose the pregnancy weight.
    3. It helps you strengthen your body. Taking care of your baby requires physical strength and stamina. Exercising can help you regain your strength in your abdominal muscles and help you recover as well from giving birth.
    4. It is good for your mental wellbeing. Exercising daily can help relieve stress and can prevent postpartum depression. 

    Now that you know that postpartum exercise is beneficial to new moms, the next question is: how do you get started? 


    When can I exercise after a normal delivery?

    If you have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and a normal delivery, it is safe to do exercises a few days or weeks after giving birth, or as soon as you feel you are ready. 

    What if I had a complicated delivery? 

    For moms who had a C-section delivery, extensive vaginal repair or a complicated pregnancy or birth, it is advisable to consult with your doctor first before you start any physical activities. 

    Either way, what’s important is you take small steps and not rush things! What’s important is that you and your body are ready and have already recovered! 

    If you are ready to move your body and get back to a healthier you, here are safe and simple postpartum exercises you can do! 

    1. Walking

    Walking may be the most simple yet effective exercise a new mom can do. It helps you to stay fit and agile, and can also avoid forming blood clots in the body. You can start with short walks of about ten to fifteen minutes and gradually increase the walk time when your body feels adjusted. 

    1. Yoga

    Provided that your doctor says that it is suitable for you, Yoga helps in increasing flexibility and muscle strength, brings you a better mental health as it focuses on breathing and mindfulness — decreasing the symptoms of postpartum depression, and can reduce back pain. You can aim to keep your effort at low intensity. Be mindful of your breathing and ensure your movements are slow and steady. Always remember to move at your own pace, and do not try too hard to avoid complications.


    1. Lower Belly Exercises

    It is most likely your doctor will suggest starting with lower belly exercises and to not put stress on your abdomen. Doing lower belly exercises can help you lose the pregnancy fat in the area, and most of the exercises are based on breathing. You can start by inhaling and exhaling slowly and hold your breath for a few seconds while holding your pelvic floor muscles. Ensure that you are not moving your back or holding your tummy too tight. Remember to do these exercises at your own pace. You also can consult with a physical fitness trainer to better execute these exercises more effectively and safely.

    1. Pelvic Exercises

    Pelvic floor exercises are very important for a post pregnancy body. It helps you avoid urinary incontinence and helps in quicker healing of your perineum and vagina by improving the blood circulation and muscle strength around that area. 

    1. Pilates

    Similar to Yoga, Pilates for women who just gave birth should be low impact and contain movements that help in strengthening your core and legs, breathing and relaxation, strengthening your pelvic floor and relieves lower back pain. Your movements should be gentle that would allow you to stay comfortable. 

    Always remember not to overdo your exercises and manage expectations. Results take time! Remember to always consult with your doctor before doing any major physical activity.

    When you are caring for a newborn and trying to get back in shape, finding time to exercise may come as a challenge. But that does not mean it is impossible! You can seek help from your partner and family, and as much as possible schedule time for a physical activity even if it’s just for 30 minutes. Exercising after giving birth may not be easy, but it can do a lot for your physical health and well-being!

    You got this, mommies!
