What is Nesting During Pregnancy and How Do You Prepare for Your Baby's Arrival?

May 20, 2022

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Once you get pregnant, it will be a continuous preparation for your baby’s arrival. From doctor’s appointments, to parenting classes and buying the essentials you will need for your baby, it’s going to be months of preparation. 


During a mother’s third trimester, you may notice that you are constantly cleaning and organizing your home and your baby’s soon to be space. You might be nesting! In this stage of pregnancy, you are preparing your “nest” before delivering a baby. 


What is nesting?


The nesting phase or the nesting instinct is the stage in your pregnancy wherein you get an urge to prepare for your baby’s arrival. These urges include physical tasks like cleaning and organizing your home, preparing your nursery, and doing the laundry. 


Just like our feathered friends, moms find the perfect materials to build their nests before delivering a baby.


When does nesting start during pregnancy?


The nesting instinct usually starts towards the end of your third trimester, or a few weeks before your due date. Because of the increased adrenaline coursing through your body, at this point you get the urge to make final touches before your baby arrives. If the nesting instinct hits you, make the most out of it! But always remember to keep it safe! You are at your third trimester wherein your pregnancy is more crucial. Don’t climb or lift heavy objects and avoid risky businesses like climbing ladders.


It is normal if you aren’t experiencing nesting pregnancy yet. But it is a great help to nest, especially if your due date is just around the corner. Here are some tips on how you can prepare for your baby’s arrival through nesting:


• Restock your fridge


As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, throw away outdated items in your fridge and shop for fresh ones. Stock up on essentials you’ll be needing once your baby has arrived, like milk, yogurt, greens, fruit and protein. You can even start meal planning just so you are prepared with meals when your baby comes. 


• Pad your pantry


Stock up your staples before your baby’s arrival. You might not go to the store once your baby is around. Line your pantry shelves with goods like soup, nuts, nutritious snacks and canned food. To plan it out, you can make a list of everything you’ll need!



• Deep Clean your space


If the nesting instinct is nice and strong, this is a good time to deep clean your space. Wipe down windows and other surfaces, vacuum your living room, clean the bathroom. If the task is too hard and risky, it is also better to ask for help. Don’t push yourself too hard, remember you are still pregnant!


• Prepare you and your baby’s clothes


Apart from deep cleaning your space, also prepare not just your baby’s clothes but also yours! 


Prepare your baby’s clothes and essentials, including onesies, mittens, diapers, and baby wipes. As for you, mommies, you also need to be prepared with the clothes you’ll be wearing, especially when you’re breastfeeding. Prepare your nursing bras, clothes and stock up on breathable underwear. You will need comfy clothes once your baby arrives!



• Be prepared


Apart from the clothes, cleaned space and stocked pantry, prepare your baby’s other essentials like soap, cotton pads, alcohol, bottles, and more. 


Last, prepare mentally and emotionally. Having a baby will make you go through a rollercoaster of emotions. It is better to be prepared and practice mindfulness to help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.


Nesting during pregnancy can be beneficial for moms as you make sure everything’s in order and is ready for your baby’s arrival. Just make sure to not overthink things and take it easy. Do not overdo the tidying and save energy for your labor. It is also important to remember that you should not be afraid to ask for help. You may have the urge to do it all on your own, but you also have to take care of yourself and keep a healthy mind and body to prepare for your baby’s arrival. Chances are, if you are feeling this way, you are ready to be a parent. 


Happy nesting, mommies!


Sources: redrockfertility.com, whattoexpect.com, freepik.com