10 Fun Activities to Do with Kids In Between Online Classes

October 5, 2020

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  • With the closure of schools also came the closure of playgrounds and other places where our kids could go and enjoy themselves. However, being at home doesn’t have to be ‘boring.’ Below I list 10 fun activities that don’t take up too much time and can be done with your children when they have free time after their online classes. Not only will these slow down the inevitable “mom I’m bored,” but the time spent together doing these activities may also help develop your relationship with your child.


    1. Watch educational videos together


    Who says learning has to stop once the online classes stop? Keeping your child engaged through other forms of education such as watching interesting videos will help keep them in the learning mindset.


    2. Play games together


    Bringing out the board games and the cards and sitting down as a family to play these games keeps the excitement. It also gives your child something to look forward to after their online classes. If your child played sport in school, this could be a great way to let them bring out their competitive side.


    3. Get crafty



    Letting your child be creative through drawing and art allows them to express themselves and fosters mental growth. Giving your child this opportunity allows them to try out new ideas and new ways of thinking and problem-solving.


    4. Exercise together



    Find fun ways of staying active with your child, such as dancing or yoga classes. Studies have shown that kids who are physically fit are more able to handle physical and emotional challenges. It can also give them a feeling of accomplishment so they’re more ready to learn.


    5. Allow them to cook with you


    Teaching your child valuable life lessons such as cooking can help them prepare for their future. It can be something as simple as weighing out the ingredients, so that they can have fun in the kitchen while still staying safe away from knives and heat.


    6. Have an indoor picnic


    You can take the food you made together and have a picnic in your house as a little change from the regular dining table meals. Doing this also teaches your child the reward of enjoying the meal you cooked, and how the hard work is worth it.


    7. Practice a new skill



    Learning something other than what your child is being taught in online school keeps them well-rounded. Helping them learn something new like juggling or origami also gives them something to show off to their friends once physical school starts up again.


    8. Let them present their learnings


    Allow them to get creative with what they’ve learned. Encourage them to make their own interesting presentations about what they learned in their online classes. Showing that you care about their learning motivates them to pay attention to new information.


    9. Introduce them to chores


    What better way to teach your child the importance of chores and how to do them than when you’re stuck at home? It can be as simple as encouraging them to tidy up after themselves, so they learn a sense of responsibility.


    10. Let them rest


    Finally, let your child rest so they have time to recover from their online classes and they feel more energized for activities later in the day. Need more parenting tips? Read more from our parenting blogs list!