Baby Fever: How To Treat And Bring The Temperature Down

Olivia Barredo
June 30, 2023

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Baby fever can be a worrisome experience, especially for new parents who do not have prior experience in dealing with fever in infants. As parents, we only want what is best for our children and we want to keep them as healthy as possible. It is not rare for infants to develop a fever, and most of the time, the baby only needs proper care and rest to recuperate. 

There are various reasons why a baby might develop a fever, and many of these causes are similar to what can cause a fever in adults. However, there are a few symptoms of fever that are more commonly occurring in children, especially in infants. Symptoms like growing teeth, or teething, are normal to cause a low-grade fever in babies. In this article, we will discuss practical treatments and remedies that can bring down a baby’s fever and alleviate their discomfort. From managing teething-related fever to general fever management, this helpful article has got you covered.

Understanding Baby Fever

A fever is a sign that an individual’s body is fighting off an infection. In young children, especially infants, this can require additional care and attention due to their weaker immune systems. Fever in babies is normal, but a fever as high or higher than 38°C should be an indication that your baby needs a visit to the pediatrician. 

There are many things that can cause an infant to develop a fever. Below are some factors that can cause a fever to develop in babies.

Viral/Bacterial Infections

A virus causes viral infections and can affect an infant’s respiratory tract. Viral respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus (RV), and influenza virus may cause viral infections in babies.

Common bacterial infections can affect a baby’s ear, skin, and throat. Some rare, but dangerous bacterial infections in babies can also affect the baby’s blood, urinary tract, and even brain or spinal fluid.

Heat-related Illnesses

Although cases of heat-related fever in babies are rare, it can still happen. Young children, especially those with infra-illness, do not have the same heat-regulating capabilities as older people do. In rare situations, hot weather can cause a baby to develop a high-temperature fever. To avoid this, it is important for parents to dress their children appropriately and in the weather. Breathable clothes and proper ventilation around the crib of the infant are necessary, especially during hot weather. 

Vaccine Shots

If your baby has recently received a vaccination shot, parents are advised to be prepared and expect their baby to develop a fever. Fever in babies after getting a vaccine is common, and it is a good sign that your baby’s body has received the antigens from the vaccine. When your baby develops a fever after vaccination, it means that the infant’s immune system is responsive and developing the proper resistance against the virus or bacteria that the vaccine targets. However, it is important to keep monitoring your child during a vaccine-induced fever and to provide them with proper care and treatment.


Some might agree that teething in children may cause fever. While according to research, an infant developing fever when growing teeth is not possible, it is also acknowledged that sometimes, a low-grade fever, which is a fever below the baby fever temperature (rectal temperature of no less than 38°C for under three months old) can arise when a baby is teething. 

If your baby has developed a fever while they are at their teething stage, it is important to bring them to their pediatrician to get a health checkup. While some people might accept that a baby can develop a fever while teething, it is also important to remember that it is a common sign that an individual’s immune system is fighting off an infection. 

How To Bring Down Baby Fever?

For new parents, it is easy to be worried and wonder what to do when a baby has fever. If you have properly taken your baby’s temperature and the thermometer has given a reading of no less than 38°C, below are the following treatments and home remedies you can try.

  • Give your baby a bath using clean, lukewarm water. Completely avoid using cold water or water with alcohol because it can increase your child’s temperature.

  • Give your baby enough water and keep them hydrated. For 6-month to 1-year-old babies, half a cup to a full cup of clean, drinking water is required. This amount will increase depending on the age of your child.

  • Ask your doctor to know what type of medicine you can give your child. Not all medications can be given to children, especially those that are younger than 3 months. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen may be prescribed, but it is important to administer the medication under the clear guidelines provided by the doctor or the medicine’s instructions. 

  • For low-grade fever caused by teething, proper medication advised by the doctor should be administered. You can also choose to gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger to help alleviate the pain. Teething rings may also be given to the baby to help with their discomfort.

Fever In Babies

Fever in infants can be a challenging experience for parents, especially for first-time parents. However, with the right knowledge and information about fever in babies, it can be managed. Apart from everything else, it is important to always consult a healthcare professional for guidance and support when necessary or if there are important questions that need to be answered.