Distance Learning: Overcoming the Challenges

July 16, 2020

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  • In the previous article, we discussed the challenges that we face as we transition to online learning. It might be a little overwhelming to some of us considering that this is the first time we’ve experienced this kind of setup.


    So, how are we going to overcome the stress of transitioning to online learning? How can we balance our work as well as our children’s needs? We’ve listed down a few tips to help you out.


    Challenge 1: Keeping children focused


    Your child’s dependency on electronic devices and other online activities will definitely increase with the need to be online more frequently for classes.


    What you can do:


    Before the start of their class, remind them first of how important studying is — whether it is by going physically to school or doing it virtually. Motivate and give them a reward whenever they accomplish something. A simple hug, a pat on the shoulder or even putting on a star sign on their work can go a long way to motivate them to focus and do better.


    Another option is to restrict your kids from switching their screens on other websites or apps. Try installing mobile apps that have the option to lock other apps you don’t want your kids to access during their online classes. For Apple users, you can visit the settings of your phone and just search for “Screen Time.”


    Challenge 2: Establishing a routine


    It can be difficult to structure your day with your child when you’re unsure what activities need to be included every day. However, this is only a short-term and temporary challenge that can be overcome with time and experienced with the ‘new normal.’


    establishing routine

    What you can do:


    Many of us are not familiar with how homeschooling works or how to structure a day of distance learning. Being at home means that you can do things at your most preferred time. However, this might be hard when you also have a child that you need to attend to. Make sure to set a schedule of their day and your day too, the day before. Designate certain times for learning, socials, meals, and don’t forget to set a fun time as well. When you’ve already established a schedule, make sure to stick with it.


    Challenge 3: Balancing work and responsibilities with teaching


    It’s important to cater to your own needs as well as your child’s, which can be difficult when they need extra help understanding how to adapt to this new method of schooling. However, this adaptation can happen pretty quickly and before you know it, you’ll be able to multitask even better than you currently do.



    What you can do:


    Be transparent with your company about your conflicting priorities and make sure everyone knows what they can expect from you. Balance is a huge key here, though with a lot of trial and error — and that’s okay. Putting on a boundary setting on your kids might also be a great help. Tell them that while they’re in their online class or after you teach them, you’ll also have to work on your own things. See to it that they understand the current situation in the best way possible.


    Challenge 4: Understanding content


    Understanding content that you haven’t learned in years can be daunting, but you likely have more time now to catch up on this so you can be a better teacher to your kids.


    understanding content


    What you can do:


    Understanding the lessons you comprehended from long ago may be different now. Therefore, stock up on the latest reading materials. There’s a lot of downloadable files out there that can help and guide you. Take this chance to discover new things together with your kids as this can add up to your bonding moments as well.


    Challenge 5: Reducing anxiety from real-world concerns


    The news can be overwhelming at the moment, but distracting yourself from it by investing your full attention to your child’s homeschooling and wellbeing can help you forget about these worries.


    reducing anxiety

    What we can do:


    The overwhelming news popping out everywhere is one of the causes of our stress nowadays. Just make sure that it doesn’t consume you. Be reminded that your kids need you now more than ever. Remember too that we are all experiencing this uncertain crisis. Stay calm and don’t let this pandemic affect you and your relationship with your children.


    This is the time where we can get closer to our family. A blessing in disguise that we never asked for, but have come to realize, also has great benefits. No matter what your situation is, the most important thing is to optimistically deal with the trials you have no control over and be strong enough to overcome them as a parent and as an individual.


    Take things one day at a time and accomplish whatever you can, Mommies! We know you can do it!