Parenting Techniques: Baby-Led Weaning and Its Pros and Cons

Olivia Barredo
May 8, 2023

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Being a parent can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling stages of your life as you navigate life with adorable (or several!) young ones as they too are learning to navigate the world that is so new to them. While parenthood can be some of the most rewarding experiences as you watch your child grow into their best selves, parenthood comes with a LOT of challenges, especially when they are still toddlers.


One of more prevalent but interesting challenges that you need to overcome would be feeding your baby, and it is not as simple as feeding them milk and formula either. They should eventually learn to transition from soft foods to solid foods eventually, but making that step can feel worrisome when the health of your child is a big concern. 


However, there are ways you can start working on getting them to eat well at an early age. Some techniques that other parents have used is spoon-feeding their children with pureed foods, which is a technique that definitely works in giving children their nutrients! You can also find that parents often try to make mealtimes an educational time as they learn to chew and swallow properly. 


These are some of the ways that you can start having your kids eat solid foods in their formative years, but baby-led weaning is all the rage nowadays in feeding your children!



What is Baby-Led Weaning?



Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) or Baby-Led Feeding is a method of infant feeding where children are encouraged to be self-fed with finger foods and skip being spoon-fed pureed foods by their caretakers altogether, making it easier for the parents. Parents would no longer need to buy or make specific meals for their baby, but would only need to prepare baby-led weaning meals. A great way to start is by feeding your children a smaller sized portion of your meals, which can help them feel included in family dinners and create positive experiences for them. Alternatively, you can try out several baby-led weaning recipes that are sure to have your babies be engaged and satisfied with their meals. Having your children try baby-led weaning foods is a great way for them to start learning to safely eat their food by themselves, but also makes it so that they can try different foods as early as their infancy.



Is Baby-Led Weaning Recommended by Pediatricians?



Baby-led weaning is generally recommended by pediatricians as children will eventually grow, so milk and formula will not be as sufficient in their diet. Complementary foods will be needed to give them the nourishment they require. However, doctors and pediatricians emphasized that there should be supervision over the child while they are eating. 


Doctors cannot say they highly recommend it as there are no large scale studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of baby-led weaning. Pediatricians are also still weary as there are risks that parents would need to account for such as choking and allergic reactions, which can be dangerous for the baby. That is why monitoring and proper care for children while they are trying baby-led weaning foods are highly encouraged during this time.



Pros and Cons of Baby-Led Weaning



There are advantages and disadvantages to baby-led weaning and it is important that you understand the pros and cons to this method. Understanding the pros of the method will help you appreciate the benefits that come with baby-led weaning. Understanding the cons of baby-led weaning will help you become more aware and weary of the risks and be more prepared to mitigate those risks. 



  • Children will become independent later in life as they are in charge of what they eat and how much they get to eat. 


  • Baby-led weaning encourages toddlers to develop their motor and oral skills as they would need more coordination to properly eat their meals. This can definitely get messy, but the results would speak for themselves when they get less messy and far more coordinated to safely feed themselves.


  • This gives the baby ample opportunity to try many different foods at smaller portions. This allows them to experiment with textures, tastes, smells, and colors of their meals. This can develop their palates and let them know their own eating habits and preferences.


  • They can be more engaged in family dinners as parents can feed them smaller-sized portions of what the family is having. This can create positive experiences for children and create a sense of early socialization for them as they interact more with their families. This can also save parents some money as they would not need to purchase specific food for their babies to eat.




  • Parents should be made aware of the risk of the child improperly eating their food due to lack of oral coordination. This can lead to children choking, vomiting, and gagging their meals. Parents should monitor their children as they eat to ensure that they can help their children if they are struggling.


  • Children can also be at risk of an allergic reaction which can be very dangerous for their health. Pediatricians recommend that babies try a meal at a time to check on what food they cannot eat. 


  • Whether the child has choked, had an allergic reaction, or other unsavory encounters with their meals, this can create negative experiences for them. They can be more scared and uncomfortable with solid foods. Proper care and encouragement should be observed so that the baby can relearn to continue trying new things.



Baby-led weaning, while having some risks that you need to look out for, is definitely an approach you should consider when raising your child. This will help them develop the proper skills to eat their meals safely while also allowing them to try different foods that can make them happy, even seeing what funny faces they make when they try something they do not like is also worthwhile! A great way for you to to start this journey is by looking into bay-led weaning recipes to get a grasp of what you can try and what you think would be great for the baby. Just remember to always look out for your child while they are doing this and to help them always feel safe and loved by you and your family!