The Wonder Years: A Guide to Baby’s Development Stages

Olivia Barredo
May 17, 2023

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As a new parent, watching your baby grow and develop is an exciting journey filled with wonder and amazement. From the moment they are born, your little one begins to grow and change at an astonishing pace, achieving new milestones and accomplishments along the way. Understanding the different stages of baby development can help you determine and help you guide your child’s progress, while at the same time allowing you to appreciate and create new memories with your child. In this article, we’ll explore some indicators that show a baby’s development to help you keep track of milestones you can look out for!



One to Three Months


During the first few months of their lives, babies experience an incredible amount of growth and development. Their bodies and brains are still adjusting to the new environment outside the womb, and learning how to adapt to the world around them is something that your little one will be doing naturally. At this stage, babies typically start to smile, albeit initially just to themselves. By three months, they will begin to smile back at you, and coax you into smiling with them. 


Additionally, the strength in their neck and chest muscles develop as well, allowing them to life their heads and look around while lying on their stomachs. Their eyes will begin to track objects and gradually improve their focus, and their hands will begin to open and close. Grasping objects, and perhaps even swiping at and attempting to grab dangling objects, are also actions to look out for, even though they may not be able to successfully grasp them yet.



Four to Six Months


Between four to six months, babies continue to make remarkable strides in their physical and cognitive development. During this stage, they begin to explore and manipulate their environment through their hands, which they should be gradually becoming more adept at using. They may reach out and grab objects and grasp, hold, and even manipulate them. Additionally, by this age, they should also be beginning to develop more advanced motor skills, such as rolling over. You may also begin to notice that your baby has begun to experiment with their voice–babbling and producing sounds that can resemble real words. This period of development is an exciting time, as babies begin to interact and engage with the world around them.



Seven to Nine Months


As your baby approaches the end of their first year, they will enter an exciting new phase of development where they become more mobile and start to explore their surroundings in new ways. During this time, your baby might be able to learn how to crawl. Remember, because they are now becoming more mobile, it is essential that your home is baby-proofed to prevent any accidents or injuries. At this stage, they may also be able to sit without support, and respond to familiar words such as their name, or statements like “no”. 



Ten to Twelve Months


The final stage of a baby’s first year of development marks a significant milestone in their growth and transformation. Although they may appear and act more like toddlers, they are still learning and growing every day. At this stage, they begin to master new skills, such as feeding themselves with their hands, pointing to grab your attention, and walking with assistance. It is during this stage that they become more vocal, and use “Mama” and “Dada” to refer to their parents. 


Additionally, “pretend play” is an activity you might observe as you play with them, imitating you or using objects in ways that mimic real-life situations. Pretending to talk on the phone, and wanting to hold things as you hold things, is normal and is their way of engaging with you. 


The first year of a baby’s life is a remarkable time of growth and transformation. Understanding the different stages of baby development is essential for parents to track their child’s progress, and provide the necessary support and guidance to help them reach their full potential! The journey of watching your baby grow and develop can be a source of wonder and amazement, as they achieve new milestones and make new memories along the way.