Why Saying ‘I love you’ to Your Kids Matters and How to Show It

December 6, 2021

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As mothers, there are many roles that we have to play in our child’s life; one of them is giving unconditional love. It is innate for a mother to be loving, as it is one of our key characteristics. For some parents, it may not be easy to show how much they love their child through words or actions. 



Saying ‘I love you’ to your child might be a simple act to show your appreciation for them, but those three words can mean so much more to your children!  



Why say ‘I love you’ to your child, anyway?



There are so many significant reasons you should say it regularly, but here are the most important reasons and benefits of saying ‘I love you’ to your kids:



1. It builds courage



When your child knows their parents love them unconditionally, it helps them build courage and stability in life. It gives them faith in themselves, so that they can take risks.



2. It makes them feel valued


When your child knows and feels that they are loved for who they are, they realize their worth and value. This also makes them more confident in themselves and in life. 



3. It builds trust



Trust is an important foundation for any relationship. Whenever you say ‘I love you’ to your children and make them feel loved, you are showing them you have their best interest in mind and that they can trust you. This will also help them develop and build trust in their own relationships along the way.





4. It modesl what love is and how to love



You are their role models. Giving them love and showing what healthy love looks like is very important in raising your child. If they see and feel what it truly means to be loved for themselves, they will do the same for others. 



5. It lets them know you are always there for them



Showing and assuring your children that you love them will let them know you will always be there for them. It will give them hope and may inspire them to pass on this kindness to others.



While saying ‘I love you’ is important between a parent and children’s relationship, some parents might express it differently.



Here are other ways to say ‘I love you’ to your children



1. Give them hugs and kisses (Physical Affection)



If you are not a fan or having a hard time expressing your love through words, why not express it through actions. Another way to say I love you to them is by giving your children hugs and kisses. The more often the better! 





2. Write them little notes or messages (Gifts)



If your child is old enough to read, you can also tell them you love them by giving them notes and messages. You can write them positive words of affirmation and encouragement to start off their day or simply write “I love you!”



3. Give them your undivided attention (Quality Time)



Make your children know you are present and will always be there for them by spending quality time with them. This will show them you love them enough that you will take time to bond with them!



4. If they say it, always say it back (Words of Affirmation)



Last, always say it back when your child tells you they love you always say it back! 



Through words or actions, always remember that it is crucial to show your children that you love them for who they are. This will help them be confident with themselves and assured that someone will always be there for them! 



Always remember, no matter how you say or show it, what matters is you truly mean it!



Image Sources: Freepik


Sources: inspiredlearning.es, mommymoment.ca