Are you Pregnant? Early Signs of Pregnancy and What to Expect

March 22, 2022

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  • Too early to say whether you are expecting a baby or not? Here are the early signs of pregnancy one should look out for and what to expect! 


    Signs of pregnancy may vary from woman to woman. For some, they may feel that their body is making changes quickly especially during the first month of pregnancy. While for others they may not feel any symptoms at all. 


    As pregnancy is a different experience for every woman, some women may suspect they’re pregnant within the first few days after conception while others don’t even notice anything until they miss a period. There are also women who do not know they’re pregnant not until months after they’ve conceived. The best way to know whether you are pregnant or not is by taking a pregnancy test. 


    But when is it the right time to take a pregnancy test?


    A pregnancy test actually measures a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone builds up in your body from the moment you’ve conceived and multiplies rapidly in the beginning of your pregnancy. 


    It takes time for this hormone (hCG) to build up in the body, thus it is best to wait until you miss your period before taking a pregnancy test. Taking the test too early may result in a negative test even if you are pregnant. 


    Apart from taking the pregnancy test, what are some other symptoms of pregnancy you should look out for if you are speculating you’re pregnant?


    Here are the common pregnancy symptoms! 


    1. 1. Missed Period


    The most common indication and one of the first signs of pregnancy is a missed period. Once conception has happened, the body produces hormones that hinders ovulation and the shedding of the lining of the uterus. However, it is important to remember that missing your period isn’t always a sign that you are pregnant. It can be from stress, excessive exercise, diet, hormone imbalance and other factors that can delay menstruation. 


    1. 2. Frequent Urination


    Before even a missed period, you may notice a change in your trips in the bathroom. It may come as frequently as before. This happens because when you are pregnant, you have more blood than before. Thus, as the blood increases in the body, the more your kidneys filter and remove the extra waste which leaves your body as urine. 


    1. 3. Fatigue & Morning (Noon, Night)  Sickness


    Women may feel extremely tired and nauseous during the early stages of pregnancy. This happens because of the high levels of hormone progesterone. Pregnant women may experience nausea as early as two weeks into a pregnancy or can start a few months after conception. 


    While not all pregnant women experience nausea, for those who do – it may vary from every woman. For some they experience nausea with vomiting while others don’t. 


    It is normal for pregnant women to experience nausea but it becomes a problem or a risk when you feel dehydrated. Remember to contact your doctor or healthcare provider if you are experiencing extreme nausea and dehydration. 


    1. 4. Sore & Enlarging Breasts


    Breasts can become tender to touch during pregnancy. The soreness may be similar to the way breasts feel before a period. The soreness is temporary and will fade as soon as your body gets used to the increased hormones. You may also notice that your breasts may have enlarged more than usual and your bra may get tighter than before. 


    While the mentioned symptoms are the most common ones experienced by expecting women, there are also less common signs that you are pregnant. Here are uncommon symptoms of pregnancy you should also remember:


    1. 1. Spotting


    Also known as implantation bleeding, Spotting can be a sign that your embryo has been implanted in the lining of your uterus. Implantation takes days after conception. Spotting will look like small drops of blood or a brownish discharge from the vagina and may last for a few days to a few weeks. This may cause some women to believe that they just had a light period and are not pregnant. 


    1. 2. Constant Hunger, Food Aversions and Smell Sensitivity


    Women may begin to crave certain food or constantly feel they’re hungry. While most women get food cravings and taste good, for some food might taste and smell unpleasant. Food aversions & smell sensitivity can also happen during pregnancy. Women become very sensitive when it comes to smell which is common during the first and third trimester of pregnancy. 


    1. 3. Mood Swings


    As your body continues to change together with your hormones, you may experience mood swings. This is normal. However, if it gets too overwhelming like you feel anxious, depressed or even having thoughts to harm yourself — it is best to reach out to a proper medical provider. 


    1. 4. A Metallic Taste in the Mouth


    A lot of women experienced having a metallic taste in their mouth during the early stages of pregnancy. It tastes like coins in your mouth. It happens when you eat certain foods or randomly throughout the day. 


    Given that you’ve experienced most of the symptoms above and have tested positive in a pregnancy test, what should you be expecting for the next nine months?


    Here are the stages of pregnancy and what you should expect per trimester! 


    1. 1. First Trimester (Week 1 – 12)


    The first trimester begins during the week of conception. During the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy, a lot of physical and emotional changes will occur. It may cause you to change your daily routine like going to bed earlier or eating more frequently. You may experience symptoms like extreme fatigue, tender & enlarged breasts, nausea, mood swings, cravings, frequent urination, heartburn and weight gain or loss. 


    1. 2. Second Trimester (Week 13 – 28)


    Once you’re in your second trimester, it may come easier than your first. Nausea and fatigue may lessen or fade away completely. But a lot of changes in your body will still occur, like a growing baby bump! Some of the symptoms you may experience during the second trimester are: back pains, patches of darker skin (usually over the cheeks, forehead, nose or upper lip), and swelling of ankles, fingers and face. 


    1. 3. Third Trimester (Week 29 – 40)


    During your final stage of pregnancy, the discomforts that started in the second trimester are more likely to continue along with some new ones. As your baby grows bigger, it puts more pressure in your organs. You may have difficulty breathing and urinating more often. As your due date approaches during this time, your cervix becomes thinner and softer which helps it open for childbirth. Expect that your doctor will constantly monitor your progress as you are near your due date. 


    Whether you’re already sure you’re pregnant or still speculating, it is best to first consult your doctor to be completely sure of your situation. Something as big as being pregnant should always be seeked with medical help! 

