Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy: What to Expect

Olivia Barredo
June 7, 2023

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Pregnancy is undoubtedly a transformative journey marked by numerous physical and emotional changes. One crucial aspect of this journey is weight gain, as it directly impacts the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the growing baby. However, understanding what constitutes healthy weight gain during pregnancy can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. How much is too much, and how little is too little? Understanding weight gain during pregnancy is crucial for expectant mothers to make informed decisions regarding their nutrition and overall well-being, and we’re here to empower expectant mothers with valuable information, practical tips, and guiding principles to help your weight gain journey set the stage for a positive and nurturing experience for both you and your baby!



How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy?



During pregnancy, the amount of weight you should gain depends on several factors, including your pre-pregnancy BMI and whether you’re carrying one baby, twins, or triplets. The recommended weight gain rages are as follows:

In the case of being pregnant with one baby:


  • Underweight: For women with a BMI less than 18.5, the recommended weight gain is between 28-40 pounds.


  • Normal: If your BMI falls within the normal range of 18.5 to 24.9, the recommended weight gain is between 25-35 pounds.


  • Overweight: For women with a BMI of 25-29.9, the recommended weight gain is between 15-25 pounds. It is important to manage weight gain carefully to minimize the risk of complications


  • Obese: For women classified here with a BMI greater than or equal to 30, the recommended weight gain is around 11-20 pounds.



In the case of carrying twins, the recommended weight gain ranges are slightly higher. 


  • Underweight: For women with a BMI less than 18.5, the recommended weight gain is between 50-62 pounds.


  • Normal: If your BMI falls within the normal range of 18.5 to 24.9, the recommended weight gain is between 37-54 pounds.


  • Overweight: For women with a BMI of 25-29.9, the recommended weight gain is between 31-50 pounds. It is important to manage weight gain carefully to minimize the risk of complications


  • Obese: For women classified here with a BMI greater than or equal to 30, the recommended weight gain is around 25-42 pounds.


While these weight gain ranges are general guidelines, individual recommendations will always vary. It is important to remember that consulting with your healthcare provider is crucial to determine the most appropriate weight gain goals depending on your unique circumstances and medical history!



Why is it Important to Gain Weight During Pregnancy



Gaining weight during pregnancy is an essential and natural part of the process. It plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of both the mother and the baby, and ensures that the mother’s body has enough stored energy to meet the nutritional needs of the developing baby. Here’s a list of reasons why healthy weight gain during pregnancy is important:


Nutrient Supply: Weight gain provides a reserve of essential nutrients for the fetus, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.


Breastfeeding Support: Adequate weight gain can also positively impact breastfeeding. The additional weight gained provides a source of energy for breastfeeding and helps in the production of breast milk, ensuring the mother can provide proper nourishment to her baby. 


Hormonal Balance: Weight gain during pregnancy help maintain hormonal balance. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone increase during pregnancy to support fetal development and prepare the body for childbirth. The body must have enough fat to regulate hormone production and support these vital processes.


Fetal Development: Sufficient weight gain will allow the baby’s organs to develop properly. Bone formation, and overall growth will come smoothly, especially when the placenta is formed. 



Dealing with Common Challenges



Although normal and essential for your baby’s development, weight gain during pregnancy can also present various challenges for women. However, with the right strategies and mindset, these challenges can be overcome. 



Nausea and Morning Sickness


A normal occurrence, many women experience nausea and morning sickness during the first trimester, which can make it difficult to eat and gain weight. To manage these symptoms, eating smaller but frequent meals throughout the day and focusing on digestible foods like crackers, fruits, and smoothies will help immensely. Ginger or mint can also help alleviate nausea.



Food Aversions and Cravings


Being pregnant can bring about strong food aversions and cravings, which may make it challenging to maintain a balanced diet. It’s still important to listen to your body but also strive for a variety of nutrient-dense foods. To make up for your food aversions, try finding alternative sources of essential nutrients. 



Emotional and Stress-Related Eating


Pregnancy can be quite the emotional time, and some women may turn to food for comfort or stress relief. However, emotional eating can lead to excessive weight gain and unhealthy habits. Instead, focus on finding alternative coping mechanisms like seeking support from loved ones, or talking to a therapist. Maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle with regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and self-care can also help stress and manage the likelihood of turning to food for emotional reasons!



Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance throughout your journey. By arming yourself with knowledge, you’ll be able to manage your expectations, make informed choices, and prioritize your well-being, and the well-being of your baby!