How to Create a Productive Learning Space at Home

September 4, 2020

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One of the main struggles of homeschooling parents today is figuring out how to effectively engage their children in their studies. Parents who have been to their child’s classroom know the value of a colorful and visually pleasing educational space. It’s important to replicate this at home to help develop your child’s creativity. This can also help maintain your child’s focus and help him stay motivated to learn. Here’s how: 


1. Separate the learning space.

separate learning space


You don’t need a big room to create an effective learning space for your child. A simple table in the corner of the room will work just fine. The key is consistency. Ensure that your child only uses this space for learning so that they can stay focused when completing their tasks. 


2.    Learn what works for them.

learn what works for them


Parents understand the pressure of creating the “perfect” learning space. However, what’s more important is creating it specific to your child’s needs. This way, he will be more willing to do his tasks. For example, place images or colors that your child likes around the area. Also, if your child prefers to work in a quiet space, make sure that he is far from any noises. 


3.    Lessen distractions.

lessen distractions

As a parent, I’ve learned that less is more. Too many toys scattered around the room may distract your child from focusing on his studies. With at-home learning spaces, it is best to keep the room as organized as possible. 


4.    Make it comfortable.

make in comfortable

Like adults, children will work better when they feel better. Therefore, make sure that your child is comfortable by playing quiet music or giving them a soft pillow while studying. 


5.    Provide visuals.

provide visuals

Our brains are naturally stimulated by visuals. This said, put creative and inspiring images such a maps or animal posters around your child’s learning space. Doing so can help him focus on educational topics that may be useful to him. While it’s important to spark your child’s interest, remember not to overdo it by putting too much information around him. 


You know your child’s needs better than anyone, so remember to approach learning at home with a positive attitude. We can do this. Good luck!